- Look around at our shop and add the articles you want to buy to your cart.
- Because of our real-time inventory system you can only order goods we have in stock. Articles marked as Sold Out can't be ordered!
- Your shopping cart shows all the selected items with their prices, their total sum and the additional shipping cost.
- After you are finished with shopping go to the check-out and start your order.
- There appears a form for your address.
- As a regular customer of teilehaus you need only fill in your email address and your password.
- If you are a new customer please fill in the needed data into the form.
- Do you want to become a regular customer of teilehaus, activate the input fields and enter your personal password. Your address data are stored for later puchases and you don't need to input them again.
- Run all steps in order and check all data in the following steps thoroughly. You can correct them there.
- After the final confirmation of your purchase you will receive a mail with all your order data.
- The shipping of your ordered goods take place not later than the next business day after receipt of your payment.
| How To Buy |